Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Pre Training 4

After resting the quads yesterday, the sun was shining and a lab session meant I couldn't go for a swim, so another run. This time outside on real terrain - tarmac, stairs, gravel and everything - to really give the knee a good test.

York St John, where I work/be a student is located just outside the Roman Walls which means it's less than a mile in two directions to the river Ouze, which has some great paths for running on. So I headed off through the Museum Gardens and down to river. Out on the path for about a mile before turning back and heading towards the city centre. Then under the bridge with all the cafe's on it. Up the stairs and the ramp at the next bridge. Left into the city passing M & S. Left up Whip-ma-wop-ma Gate (haha! this is a real street believe it or not). Right towards Monkgate. Then back up Lord Mayor's Walk to uni.

To save breath and reading time, for future reference this will be known as 'Short York River Run 1'; and for the stato's the distance is 3.62m; time today was 31 mins 27 secs, which equates to 8 min 40 secs per mile.

The knee held up ok. It felt a little bit heavy towards the end but I think this was probably due to the lack of miles in the past few months. For the record I had to push myself to keep going after with about .50 miles to go.

I think I'll try and fit in a swim tomorrow and then maybe a rest day after that.


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