Yesterday I completed a session of threshold running.
I went to the gym after uni and because I was feeling pretty ropey from an annoying cold, I was planning to switch threshold running with today's session - an easy 20min jog and 40 Min's cross training (i.e. cycling and weights).
Anyway after 5 Min's on the treadmill I'd started to feel OK, so I decided crank up the speed and have a go at the thresholds. This basically involved running as fast as possible for 15Min's then having a 5 min jog, then going again as fast as possible for 15Min's before a 5min jog at the end.
To tell you the truth this is one of, if not the toughest forms of training I've ever done. It puts a massive strain on cardiovascular system for a sustained period, and it's really hard to judge what speed to try and aim for throughout the first 15Min's. This is basically because although 15Min's doesn't sound like a lot, when running at speed, it is. Set off too fast and the lungs burn and the legs run out of steam, leaving no energy for round two. This is basically what I did last night. In the first round of 15 Min's I ran about 3.75km, leaving me completely knackered for round two. In round two only manage to last at round 1 pace for 5Min's before dropping to 8min/miles and then reducing to 9min/miles for the last 5 Min's.
Still I completed an overall total of 5 miles in 42 Min's, which was pretty good. I think for the next threshold session I need to aim for 7'20''/mile which should give me a good chance of making round two as worthwhile as round one. If I can keep consistent pace over the two rounds it will improve my overall speed and strength come marathon day May 23rd.
Thursday, 4 March 2010
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